On Tuesday October 24. 2023 the College Park Historical Society joined with Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer and Commissioner Robert Stuart to unveil two historical markers. The Lake Ivanhoe Historic District marker was placed on the south shore of Lake Ivanhoe, visible as you enter College Park from the south.
The Lake Adair-Lake Concord Historic marker was placed on the shore of Lake Adair along Edgewater Drive.

The Historic Districts were established ten years ago as mitigation from the Florida Department of Transportation for the inconvenience that College Park endured during the expansion of Interstate Four. In 2020 a group of residents interested in history formed the College Park Historical Society; one of their first goals was the erection of the markers. A committee met with Commissioner Stuart who was in favor of the project and told us he would pull the money together to make it happen.

Grace Hagedorn and the Society historian Tana Porter wrote the text for the markers. Tana took on the monumental task of working with the State of Florida Historic Preservation Office
getting paperwork approved. Once SHPO approved the text they sent the work order to a foundry in Ohio where the markers were formed in cast aluminum.

It was a special day for College Park to see the markers unveiled and the history of College Park preserved.

John Young

John Young

Edgewater Drive

Edgewater Drive

Princeton School

Princeton School

welcome to CPHS

The purpose of the College Park Historical Society

to preserve

the historic character of College Park as defined by boundaries of Texas Avenue to the West, Colonial Drive/Hwy 50 to the South, Fairbanks Avenue to the North, Orange Avenue to the East.
• by documenting its history
• protecting its architectural heritage
• educating College Park residents about the history of College Park
• promoting interest in the history of College Park,
• to promote voluntary membership in the College Park Historical Society promoting interest in the history of College Park


The College Park Historical Society meets the fourth Monday of the month at 7 PM at the College Park Neighborhood Center
2393 Elizabeth Street Orlando, Florida 32804

Contact President Bill Jennings 407-927-4324

Princeton St before 1920

Officers and Board Members

William Jennings


Joie Dixon

Vice President

Michael Fettig


Mandy Wannen
